Rejuvenate your enterprise with
Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud Technologies (SMAC)

See how we help Enterprises


People are the most valuable asset of any organization, and social technologies help unlock the knowledge contained in those individuals, and facilitate the dissemination of that knowledge to drive business results.

    Enterpi can help you :

  • Make your employees collaborate better
  • Understand your customers better
  • Pick your vendors wisely


Mobility in enterprises go beyond the benefits associated with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). The mobile-first design paradigm helps you leverage the true power of the always on, available anywhere mobile devices.

    Enterpi can help you :

  • Expedite your approvals
  • Make your field services fast
  • Capture your customer orders on the go
  • Make your warehouse stock taking painless


Predicting future, business intelligence, big data, convert raw data into a meaningful data which can augment decision making process.

Future analytics capabilities within the enterprise applications will use advanced analytics using techniques like statistics and neural networks. The output expected would be derived based on historical trends, current situation powered by advanced analytical capabilities. This output would be a prediction for future trends and not a mere report. Also, this output would be needed on a real-time basis to take quick decisions.

    Enterpi can help you :

  • Predict sales forecasts
  • Predict market trends
  • Predict customer behavior
  • Take the next best action


Cloud is bringing down the cost of running enterprise applications and also making these applications available for use by enterprises at much faster speed. These benefits are forcing enterprises to explore options to move their existing applications to cloud, in addition to buying new applications on cloud. Also as on-premise enterprise applications are not known for agility, cloud is enabling enterprises to be more agile by offering innovation, access to latest technology, on-demand service and scalability.

Cloud computing lends businesses a newfound agility, breaking down the barriers of geography and cutting the costs associated with physical server maintenance.

    Enterpi can help you :

  • Automate processes quickly and economically
  • Extend your apps to leverage SMAC
  • Rebuild or move your legacy systems to cloud

EnterPi's understanding of the business domain, their ability to consistently deliver results and willingness to go the extra mile to make us successful, has made them a preferred partner. The partnership has significantly benefited us in many of our strategic initiatives.

John Hammond

Director of Marketing, Acme Inc.